40 days left - Reisverslag uit Mexico-stad, Mexico van N Ro21 - WaarBenJij.nu 40 days left - Reisverslag uit Mexico-stad, Mexico van N Ro21 - WaarBenJij.nu

40 days left

Door: Nils Roturier

Blijf op de hoogte en volg N

03 Juni 2016 | Mexico, Mexico-stad

Hello everyone!

My year is really coming to an end! Aaaaah! I don't want to go back haha but I will don't worry about. Anyway, from the 338 days I had to go at the beginning, there are only 40 left!!! A month and ten days and I will be at the airport in Holland again. It feels very strange, to go back. I have become so mexican, so used to this culture that I can hardly imagine what it will be like to go back. I have been, in my opinion, a succesfull exchange student: I have achieved all my goals and more and I really really consider myself partly mexican, a feeling that i will always feel. Even my friends say so haha and that is very important.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to go home. It's going to be very nice to see all of my family again and to live my old life, but the memories of my year will always stick nostalgicly in my head.

A couple of days ago, I had my final orientation with YFU, this time in Mexico City, or el DF, like we call it here. It was amazing because we got to explore the biggest city in the world in groups of five (thing i never imagined i would be able to do). A truly beautiful city, super underestimated because it could be the greatest city I have ever been to (maybe i'll live there someday... Who knows?). We were super tired after walking various kilometers but it was worth it. The second day in DF we had our last conferences with all the yfu students and volunteers and really got to see the difference between the pre-year nils and the post-year nils, kind of funny, pretty amazing actually. I feel like I can take on the world, and nobody can stop me. Sounds selfish, which it is, but it does feel like that. I have changed so much this year, both phisically and mentally, and people back home may have some difficulties recognizing me sometimes. But it had been a great change haha don't be afraid, I feel way better.
After those two days, I got to say my first goodbyes, to the other yfu students which i won't see again (probably) in my life, except one or two with whom I have become great friends.

My wanderlust has been activated, I have an immense amount of energy to travel the world, alone, with family or with friends, low budget, with just one backpack or something, and that is what i will do the next 10 years, watch my words.

Right now it is raining extremely hard in Tuxtla which is really nice because it cools the air very nicely (even though a couple of house nearly were destroyed by the wind a couple of minutes ago).

Nos vemos!

  • 05 Juni 2016 - 07:41


    Wedden dat je het fijn gaat vinden in Delft? Ik weet zeker dat je straks ons landje weer heeeeeel erg gaat waarderen.

  • 05 Juni 2016 - 08:14

    Roos :

    Je gaat de kneuterigheid in Holland weer waarderen, na 1 jaar freewheelen ga je weer met frisse tegenzin je hersenen trainen. Haha, aan de bak in Delft

  • 15 Juni 2016 - 12:10


    Hé Nils,

    Het schiet echt op nu, wat is dat snel gegaan zo'n jaar zeg! Ik kan me goed voorstellen dat het een dubbel gevoel is straks, je bent toch een halve Mexicaan geworden. Geniet nog van de laatste paar weken en tot snellllllll Xx

  • 16 Oktober 2016 - 20:29


    hee Nils,

    Ik ga volgend jaar ook met de YFU naar Mexico toe en ik heb nog een paar vraagjes aan jou. Zou je mij misschien een mailjte kunnen sturen naar sosa.tavenier@gmail.com ?

    Thanks !

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Verslag uit: Mexico, Mexico-stad


In this blog i will post everything that is happening in my gap year in México

Actief sinds 16 Juni 2015
Verslag gelezen: 4037
Totaal aantal bezoekers 16615

Voorgaande reizen:

05 Augustus 2015 - 08 Juni 2016

Tussenjaar Tuxtla Gutierrez Mexico

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